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Critical Path Optimisation Software

Automated site productivity analysis

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Save program time

  • Automated data insights delivered to site & offsite management
  • Inform decision making and course correction with evidence from site
  • Automated re-forecasting of next pour dates and milestones
  • Reduce manual work by site teams in continual status updates
  • Efficiently communicating program status and upcoming tasks to subcontractors and suppliers

What is CPO Software?

What is CPO Software?

BuildAI's CPO (Critical Path Optimisation) software is the heart-rate monitor of your project, combined with passive data capture, CPO automatically captures activity-in-progress, re-forecasts pour dates and highlights milestone risk.
From this data, BuildAI produces automated reports sharing key insights, activity and delay analysis that can be easily digested and translated by on and offsite management.

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How does it work?

How does it work?

The user-friendly dashboard provides real-time vision of your project progress linked to the activity status of each work area, available for site teams and off-site management.

As data is captured and populated, the software creates an As-Built program supported by the image and data evidence.

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Real time information means project teams can course correct when slippages occur.

No need to wait for monthly reporting metrics, view forecasted impact to program whenever, wherever. Easily communicate with sub-contractors, suppliers and site logistics to optimise workflows.

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Know what’s happening now

Build AI supports and enables your team to increase efficiency and productivity of their own workflows and the critical path.